HIV Heroes

Recognizing those who make a difference in the San Diego HIV Community.

There are a wealth of stories about those living with HIV. These stories deserve to be shared, so that we can celebrate and remember

There exists a wealth of amazing stories about those who have lived in and around the HIV epidemic in the San Diego area. As an organization formed by and for HIV survivors, POZabilities felt it was appropriate to collect and publish the stories that people in the community would like to share. In this way we are able to share the joy, the pain, the sadness and the accomplishments of the people and organizations who have lived, loved and died from HIV and AIDS.

We are collecting stories about:

Living with HIV: Stories about the lives and adventures of people who are or have lived their lives with HIV. Stories of love, loss, adventure, advocacy and growing older.

In Memoriam: Stories that honor and remember those whom we have lost to HIV. Family members, community members, lovers and friends.

Supporters: Stories by and about those who may or may not have lived with HIV but who have championed and supported those who live with HIV. This could be family, friends, organizations, professionals, researchers, advocates or public officials who have contributed to making living with HIV easier and healthier.

What can you do:

Read and share your stories!

If you have a story to tell, including pictures and short videos please consider emailing it to us using the link at the top of the page..

“We must learn from past pandemics to better prepare for future ones..”

— Anthony Fauci

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